Professional's Choice #RoadtoRolex Riders
Barb Crabo The best thing about my relationship with Ready is how long we've been together...Read more...
Caitlin Silliman Hoku and I are getting ready for our third trip to Rolex, and I am hoping that this will be our year. We have had a terrific Winter season leading up to this point and Hoku is feeling better than ever. Read more...
Gina Miles This has been the biggest roller coaster ride to Rolex I have ever done! Everyone who has ever competed in a CCI*, knows that the two weeks leading up to the big event is when the wheels tend to come off of the bus. That rings true in this case and then some! Read More...
James Alliston Parker was my first horse I bought in America, and while the first day of competition may not be his favorite, he has proved himself to be a great jumper at the top level of the sport, and I look forward to many more rounds on him. This year will be our fifth time competing in the Rolex. Read More...
Jimmie Schramm My journey to Rolex is a pretty long one. I would say everything started with one of my sisters, Nicki. Originally, she was the first horse lover in the family, and naturally I copied her. One year my mom took her on a special trip. She had decided they would go to Kentucky for the weekend and check out the prestigious Kentucky Horse Park. They just so happened to end up at the horse park Rolex weekend by chance. They watched all three days and came home raving about this fun crazy horse competition. Read More...
Liz Halliday-Sharp I feel as if I have been ready to take on a 4* for nearly 10 years, but I have just not had things fall into place before and have not always had the right horses for the job based on soundness, etc. I feel very lucky that I have now had the chance to produce two top horses up to this level, and one of them will be taking on his first 4* at Rolex. Read More...
Sally Cousins I have been to Rolex a couple times and this year I am taking a horse named Tsunami, she’s a horse with a lot of experience, she’s a great cross country horse very fast, I’m keeping my fingers crossed we make it to the top this year. Her temperament is hot, opinionated, and she does everything I want her to do. She has been to rolex 3 times total. I started eventing through pony club, and started riding in the advanced level in my late teens. Read More...