We are extremely pleased to have a new member on board with The Professional's Choice team. Dr. Jolene Elston is now our veterinarian consultant. Dr. Elston is going to be working with our team to help with research and development, testing of products and also helping to explain how and why Professional's Choice products work with your horse. Dr. Elston will answer questions and concerns you may have regarding your horse, and you can e-mail her at Vet@profchoice.com. Please be aware that because Dr. Elston will not be able to have a hands on consultation with your horse that her responses will be in terms of generalities and to the best of her ability without viewing the animal itself.
At Professional's Choice we are always working to find ways in making sure our products are the best out there for your horses. By having Dr. Elston on board with us, we will have the constant input of someone who lives her life working to better the lives of our equine partners, which is directly in line with our continual goals and philosophy.
In her own words, Dr. Elston states, "I am so excited to be working in conjunction with Professional's Choice. I've used their products since I was about ten-years-old and rode with Pony Club. I've never stopped using their products and I recommend them to all of my clients. The Elite Sports Medicine Boots are not simply a rehabilitative leg care product. That's a misnomer I find out in the field. These boots are simply by far the best preventative maintenance leg care system available. I don't care what discipline you ride--be it for pleasure and trail riding, eventing, cutting, roping, etc--whatever you do, your horse needs to be in these boots. They prevent the injury before it happens."
"I feel fortunate also to be involved with Professional's Choice because it is a family business with core family values. Through fate, I met Michele Scott on New Year's Day a few years ago on an emergency call when one of her horses colicked. Since then, Michele has been a client and I treat all of her horses. Through our friendship, she discovered I was a Professional's Choice customer/huge fan and she inquired if I would have an interest in coming on board as the resident vet. Of course, I accepted. I look forward to working with the team, and also hearing from customers about their horses."
Here's a little info about Dr. Elston:
She is a native San Diegan with a lifelong passion for horses. She started riding before the age of five and acquired her first pony when she was eight. She hosts an impressive riding resume that includes accomplishments in the United States Pony Club, achieving her Silver and Bronze medals in the United States Dressage Federation and competing as an alternate on the Region 7 Young Riders Team. Dr. Elston has set her focus on dedicating her life to the equine performance world. Other organizations she's participated in include the 4-H and Future Farmers of America.
In her teens Dr. Elston became a technician at a small animal hospital and moved on to a five year technician at the renowned San Luis Rey Equine Hospital. She completed her bachelor degree at Washington State in Biology and Zoology. She received her doctorate from Washington State University Veterinary School. Following her doctorate she accepted an internship position at the highly acclaimed Pioneer Equine Hospital in Oakdale, California. In 2007, Dr. Elston joined the practice of Large Animal Veterinary Associates in San Diego, California where she continues to practice. Dr. Elston has specific interest in lameness issues and performance horse medicine. She is a wonderful attribute to her community and we know she will be a wonderful attribute to Professional's Choice!
Be sure to check back this Friday on the blog when we link to Stable Scoop on http://www. horseradionetwork.com, where both Dr. Elston and I discuss equine leg care and injury prevention. It's a great talk and one you don't want to miss.
Michele ScottVice President
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