Celebrities have proven to us all too many times that fame and fortune do not always bring out the best in people. The pressure, the attention, the fans... living in the limelight brings with it a great amount of responsibility. Unfortunately, more often than not, these celebrities give in to the pressure and allow the fame to change their values.
However, very rarely we come across those truly great individuals who refuse to allow fame to change the core of who they are. They utilize it to touch the lives of others and expand the good that first made them famous. I have the privilege of knowing one of these great individuals. She is an exceptional horse woman, and compassionate mother, and Individual Silver Medalist at the Beijing Games--Gina Miles.
Now, I have to admit before my first introduction to Gina, I wasn't sure what to expect. I mean this is someone who has done something that so few will ever accomplish in their life time that it kind of blows the mind. My guess was that this feat would go to more than a few people's heads. Not Gina. Gina Miles is one of the most down to Earth, delightful, magnetic personalities you could ever want to meet. She's funny, witty, intelligent and caring. To see her with her kids is to see kind of mom who makes certain that her kids know how much they mean to her.
This past weekend, I watched Gina give a clinic to a group of riders, ranging from beginners to advanced riders and everything in between. I haven't come across many clinicians who handle that full scale the way she did--with patience, graciousness and with a capacity to make the most out of her hour with each student. Not to mention, Gina was the one in the arena busting out and moving jumps around. In fact, one of the first times I met her at a show, she bathed her own horses, cleaned her own tack, and made her own meals. There were no grooms around to do it for her. Not one. She maintains a connection to her horses that I believe helps to make someone of Gina's caliber into a real winner who works hard in every aspect of her life.
Obviously, I think pretty highly of this lady, and so it really pleases me to announce that Gina has come on board with Professional's Choice as an endorsee. We are working closely with her to develop some new products geared toward eventers. I'm super excited about this venture and can't wait to share our new creations--and as with everything we create it's always about the horse. At Professional's Choice we don't make a product just because it might look good or make a few bucks. We make products that we believe in, that are thoroughly researched and tested, that we truly feel will provide a more comfortable life for animals who give us all so very much.
Gina agrees with this philosophy, which is why she is a perfect endorsement partner for Professional's Choice.
Michele Scott
Vice President
Professional's Choice Sports Medicine Products
2025 Gillespie Way, Suite 106, El Cajon, CA 92020
1.800.331.9421 Toll Free
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