Today on the blog, I want to introduce Kristen Davison. Kristen is our marketing coordinator here at Professional's Choice. She is an awesome employee and an excellent equestrienne. I can't say enough good things about this young woman. We are lucky to have her on board with us, as she always goes the extra mile without ever being asked. When she read over last week's blog about "The Historical Horse," (which if you haven't read and made a comment, you should because you will be automatically placed in a drawing to win some great stuff at the end of the month!), she wrote a response to it that was thoughtful and enjoyable. It also caused me to think that a weekly employee entry would be a good regular post to have. We have a lot of horse people working here at Professional's Choice and I think it would be fun to spotlight them!
I am sure you will enjoy Kristen's post:
This blog got me thinking not only about the history of horses but how horses have affected the history of me, Kristen Davison - Marketing Coordinator at Professional's Choice. What kind of person would I have become if I had never fallen in love with horses? They have been such a big part of my life for so long that it's hard to imagine another way.
I started taking lessons when I was 6 years old. After a few years and a lot of hard work I began catch-riding and helping my trainer "flip" ponies. In high school I moved up to schooling the clients' horses and teaching the "up-down-ers" (we call them that because you feel like a broken record trying to teach them to post "up... down'). Then it was time to apply to college. I knew I wasn't ready to give up riding, so I set my sights on a campus with an Equestrian Team. The essay question for the University of San Diego asked me to "Briefly explain how your unique background and interests will contribute to our community" - so naturally I wrote about horses... and I got in! I spent four years at USD riding for the Equestrian Team, where I met the coach who is now my trainer, and fell in love with her "project horse" who is now my "project horse".
When it was time to graduate and begin looking for a job in the real world, I knew I may have to take a break from riding. After many hours of searching and a healthy dose of frustration - as anyone who recently looked for a job will attest to - I found a posting at an equine sports medicine company. In the end, it was my knowledge of horses that gave me an edge over the applicants and earned me a spot at Professional's Choice.
Without horses I would have never made it to USD, never met my horse that is now my daily dose of therapy, and would not be sitting here at Professional's Choice writing this blog to you... I would be a totally different person, living a totally different life. I am so thankful to my four-legged friends who have molded me and pushed me to grow into the person I am today.
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